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Institute for Regenerative Medicine • IREM

  • Two scientists laughing
  • Scientist pipetting robot
  • Two scientists discussing devices

The UZH IncubatorLab, made possible by a donation from the Werner Siemens Foundation, offers a state-of-the-art infrastructure for innovative MedTech projects led by early-stage scientists who aim to establish a UZH spin-off company. 

The UZH IncubatorLab is accessible to UZH MedTech Entrepreneur Fellows during the term of their 18-month fellowship and offers wet lab working space for approximately eight fellows including their potential co-workers. By providing a designated working space, the Werner Siemens Foundation supports the financial independence of UZH Fellows and also fosters interactions between fellows of various backgrounds.

Being hosted by the Institute for Regenerative Medicine · IREM and being located at the heart of Bio-Technopark Schlieren-Zürich, the UZH IncubatorLab is embedded in an ideal ecosystem for young entrepreneurs. The proximity to other researchers and the entrepreneurial community provides an excellent platform for a profitable exchange with experts in entrepreneurship.

The interplay between the UZH MedTech Entrepreneur Fellowship, a high-quality equipped laboratory hosted by IREM and the location at Bio-Technopark Schlieren, makes the UZH IncubatorLab the perfect stepping stone for the establishment of a successful spin-off company

Interested in the UZH IncubatorLab? Download the fact sheet (PDF, 147 KB)!