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Institute for Regenerative Medicine • IREM


News list

  • Personalisierte Stammzellen

    Das UZHmagazin widmet in der Ausgabe 2/2024 der Stammzellenforschung am IREM einen Artikel. Melanie Generali und Simon Hoerstrup stellen das IREM und die iPSC Core Facility vor.

  • Strengthening Ties with Japan

    UZH and Kyoto University work together closely in the field of stem cell research. As part of this collaboration, a high-level conference is taking place in Zurich this week with researchers from both countries. The event was organized by stem cell researcher Melanie Generali and her team, Vanessa Budny, Melanie Eschment, Clara Duré and David Taborsky.

  • Team Effort Award 2023 for Melanie Generali and Team

  • UZH 3R Award for Melanie Generali

    Award-Winning 3R Research Reduces Animal Experiments

    UZH is developing alternative methods to animal experiments in line with the 3Rs principle. To highlight outstanding achievements of its members in the field of 3Rs, the university has introduced the UZH 3R Award, which has now gone to Giuseppe Esposito and Melanie Generali.

  • Dr. Ruslan Rust Appointed Assistant Professor

  • IREM members awarded with UZH Candoc grant

  • New, spun-fiber heart valve is a step closer to patients

    FibraValves can be easily manufactured in minutes and colonized by living cells

  • Kyoto University and UZH Strengthen Their Strategic Partnership

  • Venia Legendi for Christian Tackenberg

  • Editing a gateway for cell therapy across the blood–brain barrier

    Research paper by  Beatriz Achón Buil, Christian Tackenberg, Ruslan Rust published in Brain

  • IREM publication featured in "ZNZ Research News"

  • Ruiqing Ni as a Partner in consortium Autofus received funding from EU JPND

  • R. Weber, C. Tackenberg und R. Rust describing deep-learning assisted behavioral analysis after stroke

    New paper published in BMC Biology

  • Venia Legendi for Katrin Rauen

  • BioEntrepreneurship & Innovation (BEI) 2023 program dates

    Our BEI program 2023 is now officially accepting registrations. 

    Please find below all dates:

    Module A: 01.02., 15.02.

    Module B: 10.05., 17.05., 24.05., 31.05., 07.06.,14.06., 21.06., 28.06., 05.07., 12.07.

    Module C: 22.08., 05.09., 19.09., 03.10., 17.10.

    Register now and learn how to successfully bring a product to the market in the life science area. Registration!

  • Nobel Prize Laureate visits UZH

    Shinya Yamanaka speaks at University, meets IREM scientists

  • Stem Cell Therapy for Repair of the Injured Brain: Five Principles

    New paper in The Neuroscientist, by Ruslan Rust and Christian Tackenberg

  • Ehrendoktorat Verleihung an Prof. Martin E. Schwab

    Professort Martin E. Schwab, PhD, Dr. med. h.c. mult. am Institut für Regenerative Medizin (IREM) an der Universität Zürich wurde am 02. Juli 2022 der Titel "Doktor der Medizin ehrenhalber, Dr. med. h.C." durch die medizinische Fakultät der Rheinischen-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn verliehen. Zu dieser ehrenvollen Verleihung gratulieren wir ganz herzlich!

  • Multiscale optical and optoacoustic imaging of amyloid-β deposits in mice

    Research paper by Ruiqing Ni et al published in Nature Biomedical Engineering today.

  • IREM members awarded with UZH Candoc/Postdoc grant

  • IREM publication featured in "ZNZ Research News"

    The ZNZ (Zentrum für Neurowissenschaften Zürich - Neuroscience Center Zurich) featured an article about resarch at IREM about "Alzheimer’s Main Risk Gene".

    Read the article here:

  • iPSZurich 2022 Symposium

    On 20th April the iPSZurich organizing committee will host a symposium in Zürich focused on highlighting iPSC research in Switzerland.

  • New dates for starting the BEI program in 2022

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