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Our interdisciplinary team brings together a high level of scientific qualification and clinical experience in order to competently advise and guide patients and conduct clinical studies. The well-being of patients, their families, and study participants is our primary concern.
Dr. med. Anton Gietl
PD Dr. sc. nat. Valerie Treyer
Medical Doctors
Dr. med. Anton Gietl
Specialist for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Specialist for Pharmaceutical Medicine
Chief of Service and Head of Clinical Trials
Med. pract. Jonas Bulliard
Study Physician
Study Nurse / Study Coordination
Esmeralda Gruber
Head Nurse, Head of Study Coordination
Jacqueline Feser
Study Nurse, Study Coordination
Neuropsychologists / Research Assistants
Prof. Valerie Treyer
Senior Researcher, Research Group Leader
Databank / Biobank / Development
Sabine Spörri
Chief Manager of Databank and Biobank
Stefan Doppler
Databank und Software Development
Gabi Umbricht