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Institute for Regenerative Medicine • IREM

Clinical Alzheimer Research

Research Focus

Alzheimer’s disease presents a major health challenge to our aging society. Our research group investigates the interplay between neuropathology, genetics, immunology and ehavioral factors with respect to cognitive performance in healthy aging versus beginning dementia. Of particular interest are the very early changes in brain pathology and function, as detectable by multimodal imaging, including structural and functional MRI, Amyloid- and Tau-PET, as well as immunological markers in body fluids. Towards this aim, we are conducting longitudinal cohort studies in elderly volunteers in our clinical study outpatient unit, which is located next to the PET/MRI center at Schlieren.

To investigate the immunological basis of neurodegenerative diseases, we are focusing on how the accumulation of pathologically aggregated proteins (i.e. Amyloid and Tau), modulates the function and trafficking of antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes into the brain. Single-cell techniques coupled with advanced computational analysis enable the identification of novel peripheral immune cell profile alterations across the Alzheimer's disease (AD) spectrum.

Valerie Treyer, PhD
PD Dr. sc. nat. Valerie Treyer, Group Leader
Focus: Imaging Biomarker & Lifestyle
Christoph Gericke, PhD
Dr. sc. nat. Christoph Gericke, Group Leader
Focus: Neuroimmunology
Anton Gietl, MD
Dr. med. Anton Gietl, Clinical Lead

More Information about the cohort studies can be found at Center for Prevention and Dementia Therapy / Zentrum für Prävention und Demenztherapie

Group Members

PhD Students
Maha Wybitul

Dr. sc. ETH Zürich Dario Bachmann

Collaborative Projects

Brain Iron Load and Brain Functionality at Old Age
Dr. med. Sonja Kagerer (project leader)

Biomarkers of Brain Clearance During Sleep
Prof. Dr. med. Ruth Tuura (project leader), Dr. med. Anton Gietl & PD. Dr. Valerie Treyer

Behavioral biomarkers for patients with mild neurocognitive disorder
Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas Langer (project leader), Dr. med. Anton Gietl & PD. Dr. Valerie Treyer