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Institute for Regenerative Medicine • IREM

Innovations in Regenerative Medicine

Innovations in Regenerative Medicine

Various topics in the research area of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine will be presented by outstanding external speakers. 


Organizing Committee:
Dr. Melanie Generali, Prof. Ute Modlich, PD Dr. Christian Tackenberg and Dr. Ramona Weber

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location


Jumping Genes for Therapeutic Cell Engineering

Prof. Zoltan Ivics, 
Fraunhofer IZI, Leipzig 

WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)
T-cell specific gene delivery and in vivo CAR T-cell generation

Prof.  Christian Buchholz, 

WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)



Organizing Committee:
Dr. Melanie Generali, PD Dr. Ute Modlich, PD Dr. Christian Tackenberg and Dr. Ramona Weber

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location
postponed Biointerfaces in Regenerative Medicine (PDF, 129 KB) Prof. Katharina Maniura, Empa  WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)

March 25th, 1pm

Impact of APOE polymorphism on lipid transport capacity (PDF, 125 KB) Prof.

Anne-Claude Gavin, 
University of Geneva

WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)
May 6th, 2pm

Versatility of new approach methods – from early drug discovery to risk stratification (PDF, 131 KB)

Dr. Wolfgang Moritz, InSphero


WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)

July 1st,


The Brain Vascular function: from the pial vasculature to the delicate capillaries (PDF, 123 KB)

Dr. Mohamad El Amki,  University Hospital Zurich

WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)



Organizing Committee:
Dr. Melanie Generali, PD Dr. Christian Tackenberg, Dr. Ramona Weber, Dr. Vimal Veeriah

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location

April 24, 1pm

iPSC- and CRISPR-based brain tissue models recapitulate key features of neurodegenerative and neurovascular  diseases  (PDF, 123 KB) Prof. Dominik Paquet, University Hospital and LMU Munich
October 19, 10am Antigen-specific B cell deletion strategy to treat autoantibody diseases.  (PDF, 175 KB) Prof. Cheng-Lung Ku, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
October 30, 1pm Engineering living machines: Pioneering Bioprinting Techniques in Biohybrid Robotics for Future of Medicine (PDF, 138 KB)

Prof. Robert Katzschmann,

ETH Zurich

WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)
November 1, 1pm Transposable elements and their epigenetic controllers, the long-hidden orchestrators of our biology  (PDF, 270 KB)

Prof. Didier Trono


WAD-L-121/123 (6th floor)
November 28, 1pm Growing Tissues with Architected Scaffold (PDF, 135 KB)

Prof. Marcy Zenobi-Wong,

ETH Zurich

WAD P-106 (IREM, Founders Lab)



Organizing Committee:
Dr. Melanie Generali, Dr. Christian Tackenberg, Dr. Ramona Weber, Dr. Vimal Veeriah

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location
Feb 07, 1pm CET Vascular calcification in the brain (PDF, 120 KB) Prof. Annika Keller, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Zurich

Feb 28

1pm CET 

Studying mechanisms of neuron-glial interactions and energy homeostasis (PDF, 121 KB) Prof. Aiman Saab, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UZH

Jun 27

3pm CET 

Systems approach to cardiovascular calcification (PDF, 142 KB)

Prof. Elena Aikawa, Harvard Medical School

Aug 29

1pm CET 

Harnessing the CRISPR toolbox to engineer biology Prof. Randall J. Platt, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich IREM Founder's Lab, Wagistrasse 12, 8952 Schlieren

Oct 31

1pm CET 

Cardiovascular Prostheses: Balancing Tissue Regeneration against Clinical Needs (PDF, 139 KB) Prof. Peter Zilla, University of Cape Town

Nov 18

1pm CET 

Hematopoietic Stem Cell Gene Therapy for Brain Metastases (PDF, 250 KB)

Prof. Mihaela Lorger, University of Leeds

IREM Founder's Lab, Wagistrasse 12, 8952 Schlieren

Dec 12

4pm CET 

Development of myeloid based gene therapy for brain tumors.   (PDF, 187 KB)

Prof. Maria G. Castro, University of Michigan



Organizing Committee:
Dr. Melanie Generali, Dr. Christian Tackenberg, Dr. Ramona Weber, Dr. Dominik Wrona

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location
Feb 22
Cell therapy for Parkinson's disease with induced pluripotent stem cells (PDF, 113 KB) Prof. Asuka Morizane,
Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University

Mar 29
Computational modeling for advancing cardiovascular tissue engineering (PDF, 189 KB)

Prof. Sandra Loerakker, 

Eindhoven University of Technology


Apr 26

Modulation of virus-induced pathogenesis by genetic variability and co-infections (PDF, 161 KB)

Prof. Christian Münz, Institute of Experimental Immunology, UZH


Jun 28
Therapeutic Genome Editing – strategies and safety considerations

Prof. Toni Cathomen

University Hospital Freiburg



Aug 30
Regulation of gene expression

Prof. Jeffrey A. Chao,  Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel


Sep 27
Biomedical Image Analysis at UZH  (PDF, 451 KB)

Prof. Bjoern Menze,  Department of Quantitative Biomedicine,  UZH


Oct 25

From Plastic to Living Tissue: Modulating the Immune System for In Situ Tissue Engineering of Heart Valves and Blood Vessels (PDF, 158 KB)

Prof. Anthal Smits,

Eindhoven University of Technology



Organiser: Prof. Dr. Dr. Simon P. Hoerstrup and Prof. Dr. Roger M. Nitsch
Chair: Dr. Steffen M. Zeisberger and Dr. Christian Tackenberg

Date     Topic Guest-speaker Location
Nov 30

Engineered patches for the treatment of chronic cardiac ischemia (PDF, 75 KB)

Dr. Anna Marsano,

Department of Biomedicine and Department of Surgery, University Hospital Basel

Oct 26

Understanding and engineering CRISPR-Cas genome editors (PDF, 75 KB)

Prof. Martin Jinek, Department of Biochemistry, University of Zurich



Sep 28

The Matrisome during Aging and Longevity: A Systems-Level Approach toward Defining Matreotypes Promoting Healthy Aging (PDF, 73 KB)

Prof. Collin Ewald, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Institute of Translational Medicine, ETH Zurich UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Aug 31

Experimental approaches to treat blinding diseases of the retina (PDF, 72 KB)

Prof. Christian Grimm, Lab for Retinal Cell Biology, Dept. Ophthalmology, University of Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)


UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

May 25 CANCELLED CANCELLED UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Apr 27



UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Mar 30



UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Feb 24 Proteomes in 3D (PDF, 120 KB) Prof. Paola Picotti, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Jan 27 Multimodal imaging in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (PDF, 146 KB) Ruiqing Ni, PhD, Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
ETH Zurich & University of Zurich
UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren



2019 Clinical Colloquium Regenerative Medicine

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location
Nov cancelled Prof. Paola Picotti Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich (not confirmed) UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Oct 31 Sex differences in cardiovascular cells - relevance for translational medicine (PDF, 71 KB)

Prof. Vera Regitz-Zagrosek

Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany, and Anna Fischer Dueckelmann visiting professor, Univ. of Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Sep 30

Translational Stroke Research (PDF, 122 KB)

Prof. Susanne Wegener

Deptartment of Neurology
University Hospital Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Aug 26 Anti-Nogo-A antibody therapy for spinal cord injury and stroke: From animal to humans (PDF, 129 KB)

Prof. Martin E. Schwab

Institute of Regenerative Medicine (IREM), University of Zurich and Dept. of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Jun 27 3D bioprinting of personalized human bone organoids (PDF, 70 KB) Prof. Ralph Mueller Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
May 27 Cardiac regenerative cell therapy (PDF, 69 KB) Dr. Marie-Noelle Giraud, Faculty of Science and Medicine, University of Fribourg UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Apr 25

Medical translation as a process (PDF, 70 KB)

Prof. Dr. Jörg Goldhahn, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Apr 1 Therapeutic Angiogenesis - from Vascular Biology to Regenerative Medicine (PDF, 72 KB) Dr. Andrea Banfi, Cell and Gene Therapy, University Hospital Basel UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Mar 07

Understanding the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis by translational research

Prof. Dr. Roland Martin, Clinic for Neurology, University Hospital Zurich UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)
Jan 28 Elucidating the molecular and cellular dynamics of neurogenesis (PDF, 124 KB) Prof. Dr. Sebastian Jessberger, Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, 6th floor, Campus Schlieren)

Organiser: Prof. Dr. Dr. Simon P. Hoerstrup and Prof. Dr. Roger M. Nitsch
Chair: Dr. Steffen M. Zeisberger and Dr. Christian Tackenberg

2018 Clinical Colloquium Regenerative Medicine

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location

Dec 03

Engineering therapeutic approaches to modulating inflammation (PDF, 70 KB)

Prof. Karin Wuertz-Kozak, Laboratory for Immunoengineering & Regenerative Medicine,

Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich

UZH-WAD-L-121/3 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Nov 05

Addressing the problem of fibrotic tissue encapsulation in surgical practice (PDF, 72 KB)

Dr. Simone Bottan, Project Leader HYLOMORPH, Wyss Zurich, ETH Zurich


(Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Sep 27

Regulation of skin inflammation and repair by genetic and environmental cues (PDF, 71 KB)

Prof. Sabine Werner,, Institute of Molecular Health Sciences, ETH Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Aug 27

Gene Therapy - Past, Present and Future (PDF, 72 KB)

Prof. Janine Reichenbach, Dept. of Immunology, University Children's Hospital Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Jul 05

Versatile Macromolecules and their Biomedical Applications (PDF, 71 KB)

Prof. Massimo Morbidelli, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences

Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

May 31

Prof. Simone Schuerle, Responsive Biomedical Systems Laboratory, Institute of Translational Medicine, Department of Health Science & Technology, ETH Zürich

UZH-WAD-L-121/3 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Apr 26

Long-term single-cell quantification: New tools for old questions (PDF, 70 KB)

Prof. Timm SchroederDepartment of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE), ETH Zurich

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Mar 26

Re-Engineering developmental processes for tissue regeneration (PDF, 70 KB)

Prof. Ivan Martin, Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel

UZH-WAD-904 (Wagistrasse 12, Campus Schlieren)

Organiser: Prof. Dr. Dr. Simon P. Hoerstrup; Chair: Dr. Steffen M. Zeisberger


2017 Interdisciplinary Colloquium Regenerative Medicine I

Date Topic Guest-speaker Location
Nov 28 Why location matters in arthritis (PDF, 59 KB)

Dr. Mojca Frank-Bertoncelj, Center for Experimental Rheumatology, Clinic for Rheumatology, USZ

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Oct 31

Healthy Aging - how (PDF, 59 KB)

Prof. Heike Bischoff-Ferrari, Clinic of Geriatrics, USZ

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Sep 26

T-cell Therapy for Infectious Diseases (PDF, 79 KB)

Dr. Nina Khanna Gremmelmaier, Dep. of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Aug 29

Data to the People - MIDATA Personal Data Cooperatives (PDF, 64 KB)

Prof. Ernst Hafen, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Jun 27

Nanotech for medicine: From fundamental research to commercialization (PDF, 48 KB)

Prof. Wendelin Stark, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich

NORD 1, Kurszimmer C301, USZ

May 30

Gene Engineering an HIV Resistant Immune System (PDF, 62 KB)

Prof. Roberto Speck, Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, USZ

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Mar 28

Stem Cell Research in SCI: Hype or Feasible Approach (PDF, 59 KB)

Prof. Armin Curt, Spinal Cord Injury Center, UZH and Balgrist University Hospital

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Feb 28

Chronic Inflammatory Disease: Autoimmunity or Miscommunication (PDF, 59 KB)

Prof. Burkhard Becher,  Division of Neuroimmunology, Inst. Experimental Immunology, UZH

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Jan 31 (scheduled to May 30)

Gene Engineering an HIV Resistant Immune System

Prof. Roberto Speck, Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, USZ

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Organiser: Prof. Dr. Dr. Simon P. Hoerstrup; Chair: Dr. Steffen M. Zeisberger


2016: Interdisciplinary Colloquium Regenerative Medicine I





Nov 29

"CRISPR/Cas9 and organoids: Tools for disease-modeling and gene-therapy" (PDF, 65 KB)

Prof. Gerald Schwank, Department of Biology/ Inst. f. Molecular Health Sciences, ETH Zurich

Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ

Oct 25


Dr. Brian Burg, Wyss Translational Center Zurich, ETH Zurich


Sep 27 "Molecular Cardiac Imaging" (PDF, 60 KB) Prof. Philipp A Kaufmann, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, USZ Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ
Aug 30

"From Spin to Picture to Computational Models - Biomedical Imaging of Failing Hearts" (PDF, 59 KB)

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kozerke, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, USZ and ETH Zurich Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, KHO, USZ
Jun 28 "Anti-Nogo on the go. From bench to bed side with a neurite growth enhancing therapy for spinal cord injury and stroke" (PDF, 61 KB) Prof. Martin E. Schwab, Brain Research Institute, USZ and Department of Health Science and Technology, ETH Zurich Nord 1, Kurszimmer C301, USZ
May 31 "Cellular mechanisms underlying neural stem cell activity" (PDF, 59 KB) Prof. Dr. Sebastian Jessberger, HiFo / Brain Research Institute, UZH Nord 1, Kurszimmer C301, USZ
Feb 23 "Towards smart blood pumps" (PDF, 60 KB) Dr. sc. ETH Barbara Röhrnbauer, Wyss Translational Center Zurich, ETH Zurich Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, HOER B5, USZ
Jan 26 "Microrobotics and Nanomedicine: Future Directions in Medical Robotics" (PDF, 58 KB) Prof. Dr. Bradley Nelson, Inst. Robotics and Intelligent Systems, ETH Zurich

Nord 1, Kurszimmer C301, USZ

Organiser: Prof. Dr. Dr. Simon P. Hoerstrup; Chair: Dr. Steffen M. Zeisberger

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